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This file is part of Ext JS 4.2

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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * Given a component hierarchy of this:
 *      {
 *          xtype: 'panel',
 *          id: 'ContainerA',
 *          layout: 'hbox',
 *          renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
 *          items: [
 *              {
 *                  id: 'ContainerB',
 *                  xtype: 'container',
 *                  items: [
 *                      { id: 'ComponentA' }
 *                  ]
 *              }
 *          ]
 *      }
 * The rendering of the above proceeds roughly like this:
 *  - ContainerA's initComponent calls #render passing the `renderTo` property as the
 *    container argument.
 *  - `render` calls the `getRenderTree` method to get a complete {@link Ext.DomHelper} spec.
 *  - `getRenderTree` fires the "beforerender" event and calls the #beforeRender
 *    method. Its result is obtained by calling #getElConfig.
 *  - The #getElConfig method uses the `renderTpl` and its render data as the content
 *    of the `autoEl` described element.
 *  - The result of `getRenderTree` is passed to {@link Ext.DomHelper#append}.
 *  - The `renderTpl` contains calls to render things like docked items, container items
 *    and raw markup (such as the `html` or `tpl` config properties). These calls are to
 *    methods added to the {@link Ext.XTemplate} instance by #setupRenderTpl.
 *  - The #setupRenderTpl method adds methods such as `renderItems`, `renderContent`, etc.
 *    to the template. These are directed to "doRenderItems", "doRenderContent" etc..
 *  - The #setupRenderTpl calls traverse from components to their {@link Ext.layout.Layout}
 *    object.
 *  - When a container is rendered, it also has a `renderTpl`. This is processed when the
 *    `renderContainer` method is called in the component's `renderTpl`. This call goes to
 *    Ext.layout.container.Container#doRenderContainer. This method repeats this
 *    process for all components in the container.
 *  - After the top-most component's markup is generated and placed in to the DOM, the next
 *    step is to link elements to their components and finish calling the component methods
 *    `onRender` and `afterRender` as well as fire the corresponding events.
 *  - The first step in this is to call #finishRender. This method descends the
 *    component hierarchy and calls `onRender` and fires the `render` event. These calls
 *    are delivered top-down to approximate the timing of these calls/events from previous
 *    versions.
 *  - During the pass, the component's `el` is set. Likewise, the `renderSelectors` and
 *    `childEls` are applied to capture references to the component's elements.
 *  - These calls are also made on the {@link Ext.layout.container.Container} layout to
 *    capture its elements. Both of these classes use {@link Ext.util.ElementContainer} to
 *    handle `childEls` processing.
 *  - Once this is complete, a similar pass is made by calling #finishAfterRender.
 *    This call also descends the component hierarchy, but this time the calls are made in
 *    a bottom-up order to `afterRender`.
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.util.Renderable', {
    requires: [

    frameCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'frame',

    frameIdRegex: /[\-]frame\d+[TMB][LCR]$/,
    frameElNames: ['TL','TC','TR','ML','MC','MR','BL','BC','BR'],

    frameTpl: [
        '<tpl if="top">',
            '<tpl if="left"><div id="{fgid}TL" class="{frameCls}-tl {baseCls}-tl {baseCls}-{ui}-tl<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-tl</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></tpl>',
                '<tpl if="right"><div id="{fgid}TR" class="{frameCls}-tr {baseCls}-tr {baseCls}-{ui}-tr<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-tr</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></tpl>',
                    '<div id="{fgid}TC" class="{frameCls}-tc {baseCls}-tc {baseCls}-{ui}-tc<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-tc</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></div>',
                '<tpl if="right"></div></tpl>',
            '<tpl if="left"></div></tpl>',
        '<tpl if="left"><div id="{fgid}ML" class="{frameCls}-ml {baseCls}-ml {baseCls}-{ui}-ml<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-ml</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></tpl>',
            '<tpl if="right"><div id="{fgid}MR" class="{frameCls}-mr {baseCls}-mr {baseCls}-{ui}-mr<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-mr</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></tpl>',
                '<div id="{fgid}MC" class="{frameCls}-mc {baseCls}-mc {baseCls}-{ui}-mc<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-mc</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation">',
                    '{%this.applyRenderTpl(out, values)%}',
            '<tpl if="right"></div></tpl>',
        '<tpl if="left"></div></tpl>',
        '<tpl if="bottom">',
            '<tpl if="left"><div id="{fgid}BL" class="{frameCls}-bl {baseCls}-bl {baseCls}-{ui}-bl<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-bl</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></tpl>',
                '<tpl if="right"><div id="{fgid}BR" class="{frameCls}-br {baseCls}-br {baseCls}-{ui}-br<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-br</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></tpl>',
                    '<div id="{fgid}BC" class="{frameCls}-bc {baseCls}-bc {baseCls}-{ui}-bc<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-bc</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></div>',
                '<tpl if="right"></div></tpl>',
            '<tpl if="left"></div></tpl>',

    frameTableTpl: [
        '<table class="', Ext.plainTableCls, '" cellpadding="0"><tbody>',
            '<tpl if="top">',
                    '<tpl if="left"><td id="{fgid}TL" class="{frameCls}-tl {baseCls}-tl {baseCls}-{ui}-tl<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-tl</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></td></tpl>',
                    '<td id="{fgid}TC" class="{frameCls}-tc {baseCls}-tc {baseCls}-{ui}-tc<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-tc</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></td>',
                    '<tpl if="right"><td id="{fgid}TR" class="{frameCls}-tr {baseCls}-tr {baseCls}-{ui}-tr<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-tr</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></td></tpl>',
                '<tpl if="left"><td id="{fgid}ML" class="{frameCls}-ml {baseCls}-ml {baseCls}-{ui}-ml<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-ml</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></td></tpl>',
                '<td id="{fgid}MC" class="{frameCls}-mc {baseCls}-mc {baseCls}-{ui}-mc<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-mc</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation">',
                    '{%this.applyRenderTpl(out, values)%}',
                '<tpl if="right"><td id="{fgid}MR" class="{frameCls}-mr {baseCls}-mr {baseCls}-{ui}-mr<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-mr</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></td></tpl>',
            '<tpl if="bottom">',
                    '<tpl if="left"><td id="{fgid}BL" class="{frameCls}-bl {baseCls}-bl {baseCls}-{ui}-bl<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-bl</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></td></tpl>',
                    '<td id="{fgid}BC" class="{frameCls}-bc {baseCls}-bc {baseCls}-{ui}-bc<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-bc</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></td>',
                    '<tpl if="right"><td id="{fgid}BR" class="{frameCls}-br {baseCls}-br {baseCls}-{ui}-br<tpl for="uiCls"> {parent.baseCls}-{parent.ui}-{.}-br</tpl>{frameElCls}" role="presentation"></td></tpl>',

     * Allows addition of behavior after rendering is complete. At this stage the Component’s Element
     * will have been styled according to the configuration, will have had any configured CSS class
     * names added, and will be in the configured visibility and the configured enable state.
     * @template
     * @protected
    afterRender : function() {
        var me = this,
            data = {},
            protoEl = me.protoEl,
            target = me.el,
            item, pre, hide, contentEl;

        // We need to do the contentEl here because it depends on the layout items (inner/outerCt)
        // to be rendered before we can put it in
        if (me.contentEl) {
            pre = Ext.baseCSSPrefix;
            hide = pre + 'hide-';
            contentEl = Ext.get(me.contentEl);
            contentEl.removeCls([pre+'hidden', hide+'display', hide+'offsets', hide+'nosize']);

        // Here we apply any styles that were set on the protoEl during the rendering phase
        // A majority of times this will not happen, but we still need to handle it
        item = data.removed;
        if (item) {
        item = data.cls;
        if (item.length) {
        item = data.style;
        if (data.style) {
        me.protoEl = null;

        // If this is the outermost Container, lay it out as soon as it is rendered.
        if (!me.ownerCt) {

    afterFirstLayout : function(width, height) {
        var me = this,
            x = me.x,
            y = me.y,
            pos, xy;

        // We only have to set absolute position here if there is no ownerlayout which should take responsibility.
        // Consider the example of rendered components outside of a viewport - these might need their positions setting.
        if (!me.ownerLayout) {
            hasX = Ext.isDefined(x);
            hasY = Ext.isDefined(y);

        // For floaters, calculate x and y if they aren't defined by aligning
        // the sized element to the center of either the container or the ownerCt
        if (me.floating && (!hasX || !hasY)) {
            if (me.floatParent) {
                pos = me.floatParent.getTargetEl().getViewRegion();
                xy = me.el.getAlignToXY(me.floatParent.getTargetEl(), 'c-c');
                pos.x = xy[0] - pos.x;
                pos.y = xy[1] - pos.y;
            } else {
                xy = me.el.getAlignToXY(me.container, 'c-c');
                pos = me.container.translateXY(xy[0], xy[1]);
            x = hasX ? x : pos.x;
            y = hasY ? y : pos.y;
            hasX = hasY = true;

        if (hasX || hasY) {
            me.setPosition(x, y);
        me.onBoxReady(width, height);

     * Sets references to elements inside the component. This applies {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#cfg-renderSelectors renderSelectors}
     * as well as {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#cfg-childEls childEls}.
     * @private
    applyRenderSelectors: function() {
        var me = this,
            selectors = me.renderSelectors,
            el = me.el,
            dom = el.dom,


        // We still support renderSelectors. There are a few places in the framework that
        // need them and they are a documented part of the API. In fact, we support mixing
        // childEls and renderSelectors (no reason not to).
        if (selectors) {
            for (selector in selectors) {
                if (selectors.hasOwnProperty(selector) && selectors[selector]) {
                    me[selector] = Ext.get(Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(selectors[selector], dom));

    beforeRender: function () {
        var me = this,
            target = me.getTargetEl(),
            overflowEl = me.getOverflowEl(),
            layout = me.getComponentLayout(),
            // Call the style calculation early which sets the public scrollFlags property
            overflowStyle = me.getOverflowStyle();

        // Just before rendering, set the frame flag if we are an always-framed component like Window or Tip.
        me.frame = me.frame || me.alwaysFramed;

        if (!layout.initialized) {

        // Attempt to set overflow style prior to render if the targetEl can be accessed.
        // If the targetEl does not exist yet, this will take place in finishRender
        if (overflowEl) {
            me.overflowStyleSet = true;


        if (me.disabled) {
            // pass silent so the event doesn't fire the first time.

     * @private
     * Called from the selected frame generation template to insert this Component's inner structure inside the framing structure.
     * When framing is used, a selected frame generation template is used as the primary template of the #getElConfig instead
     * of the configured {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#renderTpl renderTpl}. The renderTpl is invoked by this method which is injected into the framing template.
    doApplyRenderTpl: function(out, values) {
        // Careful! This method is bolted on to the frameTpl so all we get for context is
        // the renderData! The "this" pointer is the frameTpl instance!

        var me = values.$comp,

        // Don't do this if the component is already rendered:
        if (!me.rendered) {
            tpl = me.initRenderTpl();
            tpl.applyOut(values.renderData, out);

     * Handles autoRender.
     * Floating Components may have an ownerCt. If they are asking to be constrained, constrain them within that
     * ownerCt, and have their z-index managed locally. Floating Components are always rendered to document.body
    doAutoRender: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (!me.rendered) {
            if (me.floating) {
            } else {
                me.render(Ext.isBoolean(me.autoRender) ? Ext.getBody() : me.autoRender);

    doRenderContent: function (out, renderData) {
        // Careful! This method is bolted on to the renderTpl so all we get for context is
        // the renderData! The "this" pointer is the renderTpl instance!

        var me = renderData.$comp;

        if (me.html) {
            Ext.DomHelper.generateMarkup(me.html, out);
            delete me.html;

        if (me.tpl) {
            // Make sure this.tpl is an instantiated XTemplate
            if (!me.tpl.isTemplate) {
                me.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(me.tpl);

            if (me.data) {
                //me.tpl[me.tplWriteMode](target, me.data);
                me.tpl.applyOut(me.data, out);
                delete me.data;

    doRenderFramingDockedItems: function (out, renderData, after) {
        // Careful! This method is bolted on to the frameTpl so all we get for context is
        // the renderData! The "this" pointer is the frameTpl instance!

        var me = renderData.$comp;

        // Most components don't have dockedItems, so check for doRenderDockedItems on the
        // component (also, don't do this if the component is already rendered):
        if (!me.rendered && me.doRenderDockedItems) {
            // The "renderData" property is placed in scope for the renderTpl, but we don't
            // want to render docked items at that level in addition to the framing level:
            renderData.renderData.$skipDockedItems = true;

            // doRenderDockedItems requires the $comp property on renderData, but this is
            // set on the frameTpl's renderData as well:
            me.doRenderDockedItems.call(this, out, renderData, after);

     * This method visits the rendered component tree in a "top-down" order. That is, this
     * code runs on a parent component before running on a child. This method calls the
     * {@link #onRender} method of each component.
     * @param {Number} containerIdx The index into the Container items of this Component.
     * @private
    finishRender: function(containerIdx) {
        var me = this,
            tpl, data, el;

        // We are typically called w/me.el==null as a child of some ownerCt that is being
        // rendered. We are also called by render for a normal component (w/o a configured
        // me.el). In this case, render sets me.el and me.rendering (indirectly). Lastly
        // we are also called on a component (like a Viewport) that has a configured me.el
        // (body for a Viewport) when render is called. In this case, it is not flagged as
        // "me.rendering" yet becasue it does not produce a renderTree. We use this to know
        // not to regen the renderTpl.

        if (!me.el || me.$pid) {
            if (me.container) {
                el = me.container.getById(me.id, true);
            } else {
                el = Ext.getDom(me.id);

            if (!me.el) {
                // Typical case: we produced the el during render
            } else {
                // We were configured with an el and created a proxy, so now we can swap
                // the proxy for me.el:
                delete me.$pid;

                if (!me.el.dom) {
                    // make sure me.el is an Element
                el.parentNode.insertBefore(me.el.dom, el);
                Ext.removeNode(el); // remove placeholder el
                // TODO - what about class/style?
        } else if (!me.rendering) {
            // We were configured with an el and then told to render (e.g., Viewport). We
            // need to generate the proper DOM. Insert first because the layout system
            // insists that child Component elements indices match the Component indices.
            tpl = me.initRenderTpl();
            if (tpl) {
                data = me.initRenderData();
                tpl.insertFirst(me.getTargetEl(), data);
        // else we are rendering

        if (!me.container) {
            // top-level rendered components will already have me.container set up
            me.container = Ext.get(me.el.dom.parentNode);

        if (me.ctCls) {

        // Sets the rendered flag and clears the rendering flag
        me.onRender(me.container, containerIdx);

        // If we could not access a target protoEl in beforeRender, we have to set the overflow styles here.
        if (!me.overflowStyleSet) {

        // Tell the encapsulating element to hide itself in the way the Component is configured to hide
        // This means DISPLAY, VISIBILITY or OFFSETS.

        if (me.overCls) {
            me.el.hover(me.addOverCls, me.removeOverCls, me);

        if (me.hasListeners.render) {
            me.fireEvent('render', me);

        me.afterRender(); // this can cause a layout
        if (me.hasListeners.afterrender) {
            me.fireEvent('afterrender', me);

        if (me.hidden) {
            // Hiding during the render process should not perform any ancillary
            // actions that the full hide process does; It is not hiding, it begins in a hidden state.'
            // So just make the element hidden according to the configured hideMode

    finishRenderChildren: function () {
        var layout = this.getComponentLayout();


    getElConfig : function() {
        var me = this,
            autoEl = me.autoEl,
            frameInfo = me.getFrameInfo(),
            config = {
                tag: 'div',
                tpl: frameInfo ? me.initFramingTpl(frameInfo.table) : me.initRenderTpl()
            protoEl = me.protoEl,
            i, frameElNames, len, suffix, frameGenId, frameData;


        if (Ext.isString(autoEl)) {
            config.tag = autoEl;
        } else {
            Ext.apply(config, autoEl); // harmless if !autoEl

        // It's important to assign the id here as an autoEl.id could have been (wrongly) applied and this would get things out of sync
        config.id = me.id;

        if (config.tpl) {
            // Use the framingTpl as the main content creating template. It will call out to this.applyRenderTpl(out, values)
            if (frameInfo) {
                frameElNames = me.frameElNames;
                len = frameElNames.length;

                config.tplData = frameData = me.getFrameRenderData();
                frameData.renderData = me.initRenderData();
                frameGenId = frameData.fgid;

                // Add the childEls for each of the frame elements
                for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    suffix = frameElNames[i];
                    me.addChildEls({ name: 'frame' + suffix, id: frameGenId + suffix });

                // Panel must have a frameBody
                    name: 'frameBody',
                    id: frameGenId + 'MC'
            } else {
                config.tplData = me.initRenderData();

        return config;

    // Create the framingTpl from the string.
    // Poke in a reference to applyRenderTpl(frameInfo, out)
    initFramingTpl: function(table) {
        var tpl = this.getFrameTpl(table);

        if (tpl && !tpl.applyRenderTpl) {

        return tpl;

     * @private
     * Inject a reference to the function which applies the render template into the framing template. The framing template
     * wraps the content.
    setupFramingTpl: function(frameTpl) {
        frameTpl.applyRenderTpl = this.doApplyRenderTpl;
        frameTpl.renderDockedItems = this.doRenderFramingDockedItems;

     * This function takes the position argument passed to onRender and returns a
     * DOM element that you can use in the insertBefore.
     * @param {String/Number/Ext.dom.Element/HTMLElement} position Index, element id or element you want
     * to put this component before.
     * @return {HTMLElement} DOM element that you can use in the insertBefore
    getInsertPosition: function(position) {
        // Convert the position to an element to insert before
        if (position !== undefined) {
            if (Ext.isNumber(position)) {
                position = this.container.dom.childNodes[position];
            else {
                position = Ext.getDom(position);

        return position;

    getRenderTree: function() {
        var me = this;

        if (!me.hasListeners.beforerender || me.fireEvent('beforerender', me) !== false) {

            // Flag to let the layout's finishRenderItems and afterFinishRenderItems
            // know which items to process
            me.rendering = true;

            if (me.el) {
                // Since we are producing a render tree, we produce a "proxy el" that will
                // sit in the rendered DOM precisely where me.el belongs. We replace the
                // proxy el in the finishRender phase.
                return {
                    tag: 'div',
                    id: (me.$pid = Ext.id())

            return me.getElConfig();

        return null;

    initContainer: function(container) {
        var me = this;

        // If you render a component specifying the el, we get the container
        // of the el, and make sure we dont move the el around in the dom
        // during the render
        if (!container && me.el) {
            container = me.el.dom.parentNode;
            me.allowDomMove = false;
        me.container = container.dom ? container : Ext.get(container);

        return me.container;

     * Initialized the renderData to be used when rendering the renderTpl.
     * @return {Object} Object with keys and values that are going to be applied to the renderTpl
     * @protected
    initRenderData: function() {
        var me = this;

        return Ext.apply({
            $comp: me,
            id: me.id,
            ui: me.ui,
            uiCls: me.uiCls,
            baseCls: me.baseCls,
            componentCls: me.componentCls,
            frame: me.frame,
            childElCls: '' // overridden in RTL
        }, me.renderData);

     * Initializes the renderTpl.
     * @return {Ext.XTemplate} The renderTpl XTemplate instance.
     * @private
    initRenderTpl: function() {
        var tpl = this.getTpl('renderTpl');

        if (tpl && !tpl.renderContent) {

        return tpl;

     * Template method called when this Component's DOM structure is created.
     * At this point, this Component's (and all descendants') DOM structure *exists* but it has not
     * been layed out (positioned and sized).
     * Subclasses which override this to gain access to the structure at render time should
     * call the parent class's method before attempting to access any child elements of the Component.
     * @param {Ext.core.Element} parentNode The parent Element in which this Component's encapsulating element is contained.
     * @param {Number} containerIdx The index within the parent Container's child collection of this Component.
     * @template
     * @protected
    onRender: function(parentNode, containerIdx) {
        var me = this,
            x = me.x,
            y = me.y,
            lastBox = null,
            width, height,
            el = me.el;


        // Flag set on getRenderTree to flag to the layout's postprocessing routine that
        // the Component is in the process of being rendered and needs postprocessing.
        me.rendering = null;

        me.rendered = true;

        // We need to remember these to avoid writing them during the initial layout:
        if (x != null) {
            lastBox = {x:x};
        if (y != null) {
            (lastBox = lastBox || {}).y = y;
        // Framed components need their width/height to apply to the frame, which is
        // best handled in layout at present.
        // If we're using the content box model, we also cannot assign initial sizes since we do not know the border widths to subtract
        if (!me.getFrameInfo() && Ext.isBorderBox) {
            width = me.width;
            height = me.height;

            if (typeof width === 'number') {
                lastBox = lastBox || {};
                lastBox.width = width;
            if (typeof height === 'number') {
                lastBox = lastBox || {};
                lastBox.height = height;

        me.lastBox = el.lastBox = lastBox;

     * Renders the Component into the passed HTML element.
     * **If you are using a {@link Ext.container.Container Container} object to house this
     * Component, then do not use the render method.**
     * A Container's child Components are rendered by that Container's
     * {@link Ext.container.Container#layout layout} manager when the Container is first rendered.
     * If the Container is already rendered when a new child Component is added, you may need to call
     * the Container's {@link Ext.container.Container#doLayout doLayout} to refresh the view which
     * causes any unrendered child Components to be rendered. This is required so that you can add
     * multiple child components if needed while only refreshing the layout once.
     * When creating complex UIs, it is important to remember that sizing and positioning
     * of child items is the responsibility of the Container's {@link Ext.container.Container#layout layout}
     * manager.  If you expect child items to be sized in response to user interactions, you must
     * configure the Container with a layout manager which creates and manages the type of layout you
     * have in mind.
     * **Omitting the Container's {@link Ext.Container#layout layout} config means that a basic
     * layout manager is used which does nothing but render child components sequentially into the
     * Container. No sizing or positioning will be performed in this situation.**
     * @param {Ext.Element/HTMLElement/String} [container] The element this Component should be
     * rendered into. If it is being created from existing markup, this should be omitted.
     * @param {String/Number} [position] The element ID or DOM node index within the container **before**
     * which this component will be inserted (defaults to appending to the end of the container)
    render: function(container, position) {
        var me = this,
            el = me.el && (me.el = Ext.get(me.el)), // ensure me.el is wrapped


        container = me.initContainer(container);

        nextSibling = me.getInsertPosition(position);

        if (!el) {
            tree = me.getRenderTree();
            if (me.ownerLayout && me.ownerLayout.transformItemRenderTree) {
                tree = me.ownerLayout.transformItemRenderTree(tree);

            // tree will be null if a beforerender listener returns false
            if (tree) {
                if (nextSibling) {
                    el = Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(nextSibling, tree);
                } else {
                    el = Ext.DomHelper.append(container, tree);

        } else {
            if (!me.hasListeners.beforerender || me.fireEvent('beforerender', me) !== false) {
                // Set configured styles on pre-rendered Component's element
                if (me.allowDomMove !== false) {
                    if (nextSibling) {
                        container.dom.insertBefore(el.dom, nextSibling);
                    } else {
            } else {
                vetoed = true;

        if (el && !vetoed) {

        Ext.resumeLayouts(!me.hidden && !container.isDetachedBody);

     * Ensures that this component is attached to `document.body`. If the component was
     * rendered to {@link Ext#getDetachedBody}, then it will be appended to `document.body`.
     * Any configured position is also restored.
     * @param {Boolean} [runLayout=false] True to run the component's layout.
    ensureAttachedToBody: function (runLayout) {
        var comp = this,

        while (comp.ownerCt) {
            comp = comp.ownerCt;

        if (comp.container.isDetachedBody) {
            comp.container = body = Ext.getBody();
            if (runLayout) {
            if (typeof comp.x == 'number' || typeof comp.y == 'number') {
                comp.setPosition(comp.x, comp.y);

    setupRenderTpl: function (renderTpl) {
        renderTpl.renderBody = renderTpl.renderContent = this.doRenderContent;

    wrapPrimaryEl: function (dom) {
        this.el = Ext.get(dom, true);

     * @private
    initFrame : function() {
        if (Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius || !this.frame) {

        var me = this,
            frameInfo = me.getFrameInfo(),
            frameTpl, frameGenId,
            frameElNames = me.frameElNames,
            len = frameElNames.length,
            i, frameData, suffix;

        if (frameInfo) {
            frameTpl = me.getFrameTpl(frameInfo.table);
            frameData = me.getFrameRenderData();
            frameGenId = frameData.fgid;

            // Here we render the frameTpl to this component. This inserts the 9point div
            // or the table framing.
            frameTpl.insertFirst(me.el, frameData);

            // The frameBody is returned in getTargetEl, so that layouts render items to
            // the correct target.
            me.frameBody = me.el.down('.' + me.frameCls + '-mc');

            // Clean out the childEls for the old frame elements (the majority of the els)
            me.removeChildEls(function (c) {
                return c.id && me.frameIdRegex.test(c.id);

            // Grab references to the childEls for each of the new frame elements
            for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                suffix = frameElNames[i];
                me['frame' + suffix] = me.el.getById(frameGenId + suffix);

    getFrameRenderData: function () {
        var me = this,
            // we are only called if framing so this has already been determined:
            frameInfo = me.frameSize,
            frameGenId = (me.frameGenId || 0) + 1;

        // since we render id's into the markup and id's NEED to be unique, we have a
        // simple strategy for numbering their generations.
        me.frameGenId = frameGenId;

        return {
            $comp:      me,
            fgid:       me.id + '-frame' + frameGenId,
            ui:         me.ui,
            uiCls:      me.uiCls,
            frameCls:   me.frameCls,
            baseCls:    me.baseCls,
            top:        !!frameInfo.top,
            left:       !!frameInfo.left,
            right:      !!frameInfo.right,
            bottom:     !!frameInfo.bottom,
            // can be optionally set by a subclass or override to be an extra class to
            // be applied to all framing elements (used by RTL)
            frameElCls: ''

    updateFrame: function() {
        if (Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius || !this.frame) {

        var me = this,
            wasTable = me.frameSize && me.frameSize.table,
            oldFrameTL = me.frameTL,
            oldFrameBL = me.frameBL,
            oldFrameML = me.frameML,
            oldFrameMC = me.frameMC,


        if (oldFrameMC) {
            if (me.frame) {

                // Store the class names set on the new MC
                newMCClassName = me.frameMC.dom.className;

                // Framing elements have been selected in initFrame, no need to run applyRenderSelectors
                // Replace the new mc with the old mc

                // Restore the reference to the old frame mc as the framebody
                me.frameBody = me.frameMC = oldFrameMC;

                // Apply the new mc classes to the old mc element
                oldFrameMC.dom.className = newMCClassName;

                // Remove the old framing
                if (wasTable) {
                    me.el.query('> table')[1].remove();
                else {
                    if (oldFrameTL) {
                    if (oldFrameBL) {
                    if (oldFrameML) {
        else if (me.frame) {

     * @private
     * On render, reads an encoded style attribute, "filter" from the style of this Component's element.
     * This information is memoized based upon the CSS class name of this Component's element.
     * Because child Components are rendered as textual HTML as part of the topmost Container, a dummy div is inserted
     * into the document to receive the document element's CSS class name, and therefore style attributes.
    getFrameInfo: function() {
        // If native framing can be used, or this component is not going to be framed, then do not attempt to read CSS framing info.
        if (Ext.supports.CSS3BorderRadius || !this.frame) {
            return false;

        var me = this,
            frameInfoCache = me.frameInfoCache,
            cls = me.getFramingInfoCls() + '-frameInfo',
            frameInfo = frameInfoCache[cls],
            max = Math.max,
            styleEl, match, info, frameTop, frameRight, frameBottom, frameLeft,
            borderWidthT, borderWidthR, borderWidthB, borderWidthL,
            paddingT, paddingR, paddingB, paddingL,
            borderRadiusTL, borderRadiusTR, borderRadiusBR, borderRadiusBL;

        if (frameInfo == null) {
            // Get the singleton frame style proxy with our el class name stamped into it.
            styleEl = Ext.fly(me.getStyleProxy(cls), 'frame-style-el');
            info = styleEl.getStyle('font-family');

            if (info) {
                // The framing data is encoded as
                //         D=div|T=table
                //         |   H=horz|V=vert
                //         |   |
                //         |   |
                //        [DT][HV]-[T-R-B-L]-[T-R-B-L]-[T-R-B-L]
                //                /       /  |       |  \      \
                //              /        /   |       |   \      \
                //            /         /   /         \   \      \
                //          /          /    border-width   \      \
                //        border-radius                      padding
                // The first 2 chars hold the div/table and horizontal/vertical flags.
                // The 3 sets of TRBL 4-tuples are the CSS3 values for border-radius,
                // border-width and padding, respectively.
                info = info.split('-');
                borderRadiusTL = parseInt(info[1], 10);
                borderRadiusTR = parseInt(info[2], 10);
                borderRadiusBR = parseInt(info[3], 10);
                borderRadiusBL = parseInt(info[4], 10);
                borderWidthT   = parseInt(info[5], 10);
                borderWidthR   = parseInt(info[6], 10);
                borderWidthB   = parseInt(info[7], 10);
                borderWidthL   = parseInt(info[8], 10);
                paddingT       = parseInt(info[9], 10);
                paddingR       = parseInt(info[10], 10);
                paddingB       = parseInt(info[11], 10);
                paddingL       = parseInt(info[12], 10);

                // This calculation should follow ext-theme-base/etc/mixins/frame.css
                // with respect to the CSS3 equivalent formulation:
                frameTop    = max(borderWidthT, max(borderRadiusTL, borderRadiusTR));
                frameRight  = max(borderWidthR, max(borderRadiusTR, borderRadiusBR));
                frameBottom = max(borderWidthB, max(borderRadiusBL, borderRadiusBR));
                frameLeft   = max(borderWidthL, max(borderRadiusTL, borderRadiusBL));

                frameInfo = {
                    table: info[0].charAt(0) === 't',
                    vertical: info[0].charAt(1) === 'v',

                    top: frameTop,
                    right: frameRight,
                    bottom: frameBottom,
                    left: frameLeft,

                    width: frameLeft + frameRight,
                    height: frameTop + frameBottom,

                    maxWidth: max(frameTop, frameRight, frameBottom, frameLeft),

                    border: {
                        top:    borderWidthT,
                        right:  borderWidthR,
                        bottom: borderWidthB,
                        left:   borderWidthL,
                        width:  borderWidthL + borderWidthR,
                        height: borderWidthT + borderWidthB
                    padding: {
                        top:    paddingT,
                        right:  paddingR,
                        bottom: paddingB,
                        left:   paddingL,
                        width:  paddingL + paddingR,
                        height: paddingT + paddingB
                    radius: {
                        tl: borderRadiusTL,
                        tr: borderRadiusTR,
                        br: borderRadiusBR,
                        bl: borderRadiusBL
            } else {
                frameInfo = false;

            //<debug error>
            // This happens when you set frame: true explicitly without using the x-frame mixin in sass.
            // This way IE can't figure out what sizes to use and thus framing can't work.
            if (me.frame === true && !frameInfo) {
                Ext.log.error('You have set frame: true explicity on this component (' + me.getXType() + ') and it ' +
                        'does not have any framing defined in the CSS template. In this case IE cannot figure out ' +
                        'what sizes to use and thus framing on this component will be disabled.');

            frameInfoCache[cls] = frameInfo;

        me.frame = !!frameInfo;
        me.frameSize = frameInfo;

        return frameInfo;
    getFramingInfoCls: function(){
        return this.baseCls + '-' + this.ui;

     * @private
     * Returns an offscreen div with the same class name as the element this is being rendered.
     * This is because child item rendering takes place in a detached div which, being not
     * part of the document, has no styling.
    getStyleProxy: function(cls) {
        var result = this.styleProxyEl || (Ext.AbstractComponent.prototype.styleProxyEl = Ext.getBody().createChild({
                style: {
                    position: 'absolute',
                    top: '-10000px'
            }, null, true));

        result.className = cls;
        return result;

     * @private
    getFrameTpl : function(table) {
        return this.getTpl(table ? 'frameTableTpl' : 'frameTpl');

    // Cache the frame information object so as not to cause style recalculations
    frameInfoCache: {}